Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas and New Year's Eve 2011

For Christmas and New Year's we of course went to Vernal. It was so nice being with our families and we were actually really excited to get out of Provo for a while. Being with our families for a couple weekends was just what we needed :)

Bo's family has a new favorite thing to do right now and that is going shooting. So, of course on Christmas Eve we had to go shooting all together. It was a lot a of fun! We went forever!

We would take turns sitting in my parent's car to get warm while the guys shot :)

Christmas Eve night we ate dinner at Bo's parent's house and of course opened up our jammies!

We got S.P.O.I.L.E.D for Christmas this year. I pretty much got a new wardrobe and Bo got a drum set and a shot gun! My parents surprised us with an Xbox as well!
Christmas day was really nice! We stayed at Bo's parent's opened presents in the morning then went to my parent's, opened presents and went to church. There are definitely pluses to our families living in the same place!

Bo with his drums!

We had to drive back to Provo after Christmas on Monday so before we left we went shooting again so Bo could try out his new gun! There were tons of people who came to join in on the fun!

My dad bought me this gun a while ago. It was too big for me so had had it cut down so now I can reach the trigger nicely! Love it!

For New Year's we went back to Venal. We didn't do much. We just hung out. We took our Xbox and played Wipe Out and Just Dance. If you haven't played Wipe Out, you should try! You'll get so good laughs I promise!

Happy New Year!!!

I hope you all had a good one! We sure did! We already can't wait for next year cause guess where we'll be!?!?! ...........AUSTRALIA!! We can not wait!

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