Sunday, October 24, 2010

News, news, news

Good news!
Bo and I have officially moved up in the world...

This weekend we got new phones :D We are STOKED! We now have phones with internet capability and GPS and all that good stuff. I know we are a little late on the times but what can we do? Bo got the HTC evo and I got the Sanyo Zio! Very happy with both of them. We are still trying to get used to the whole touch screen thing but it's coming quick! I probably need the most help though with all the apps and good stuff. But we love our news for the week ;)

On other news:
One of Bo and my best friends got engaged last night!

It was perfect! A couple of our friend's band was playing at a concert thing so Lando sang with them a song then ended up singing his and Olivia's favorite song also! In the middle of the song he called Olivia up and got down on one knee! Everyone was yelling and screaming! It so exciting! I got it all on video but the file is too big :( so it won't upload. But I'm sure most of you have seen it on facebook anyway! I was also happy cause I got to see a few of my Logan friends :)
Congrats guys! We are so excited and happy for you!


Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

soooo glad you posted these- I was too busy being the videographer to get any pics- well, that and I was hiding too-

Unknown said...

O.M.G! That is soooo cool! I love how he proposed! He's so big!